Marion and Herb Furman have been married for 63 years.
They have been active members at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church since they moved to Camden in the early 1960’s, They are both members of the Wilcox Historical Society and members of the Wilcox Historical Society.
Marion Furman was a Girl Scouts leader for several years and Herb was president of the board at Wilcox Academy for many years.
Mr. & Mrs. Furman have allowed many people to stay with them in their home. Most recently, the artist that painted the Allison Weatherbee mural lived with them for over a month, rent free.
Herb provides people rides to the doctor’s office for people in the community when needed and Marion visits people who can’t get out very much.
Marion published a book of historical photographs of Wilcox County called “Through a Women’s Eye”. She preserved the photographs of Edith Morgan in a coffee table book. It can be purchased at Black Belt Treasures.
