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Pine Belt Introduces New Brand Identity

Updated: May 24, 2018

As our company evolves and provides more services and more advanced technologies, we had outgrown our existing logo and brand identity. The current brand identity didn’t accurately represent who are as a company today. So, we embarked on a logo and branding update. With input from employees we have developed a new brand identity that better represents our multi-faceted company and the services we provide.

Our new logo is contemporary yet classic. It is representative of a communications company and works well for all divisions. It is distinctive and communicates a strong brand. The Pine Belt symbol was created to not only represent an outward reaching icon, but also continuous, moving coverage. The symbol reflects movement which further promotes energy, endurance and growth found in the color choices.

The new corporate brand is bold and powerful which coincides with the desire to be bold and aggressive in our future efforts to attract new customers and service existing ones. Once again proving we are more than just talk.

“I’m excited about our new brand identity” stated John Nettles, President and CEO. “It positions us as a company on the move. A company providing the best products possible. And a company that is striving every day to provide the very best service to our customers. We are “more than just talk.” We are indeed a neighbor you can call on.”

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